Tag Archives: memory

Useful Tips to Improve Memory by Gary Ferone

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Here are some tips which will help one in improving the memory are:

  • Link the list: Try to remember several things as well as ideas at once by linking them together in the mind.
  • Personalize the list: Organize the lists into short, manageable sections and also try to connect the items to something that is easier for one to remember.
  • Create an acronym: Train the brain to remember items in a specific sequence by creating a word to represent the objects.
  • Create a visual image: Visualize an object that will help remind you in the future, if one is trying to remember someone’s name.
  • Focus on what one is trying to remember: Spending a few moments actively processing the thoughts can make it very much easier to recall what one need to remember in the future.
  • Use all the senses to help improve the memory: Verbally list all the appointments out loud will help solidify the dates in the mind.
  • Write it down: Simply writing the information down will help the brain retain it even if one does not actually use the list or a note to remind of an appointment.
  • Be positive: Don’t doubt yourself; our brains can often do more than we realize.

Gary Ferone

Improving Brain Function – Gary Ferone

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Exercise builds new brain cells and a process which is known as neurogenesis was recently discovered that demonstrated that the new brain cells are continuously being made as well as stored. One third of the neurons in the hippo campus, the area of the brain are involved in forming, organizing and storing memories which are regularly renewed throughout the life.


Experiences and learning strengthened these new neurons which cause them to branch out and make new connections and as the neurons were utilized, they developed even more connections and became stronger. Our brains are made up of billions of connections and the more neurons we have the bigger our brains and the better our cognitive functioning and exercise contribute to the growing of new neurons.

The body’s fuel which is derived from our food is digested and moved into the blood stream, it needs to be converted into energy. Within each cell are thousands of smaller molecules called mitochondria which are also known as the cells’ energy factories and they turn the glucose into a substance called adenosine triphosphate. Exercise also produces proteins which travel through the blood stream and in the brain playing a critical role in our highest thought processes.

gary ferone